Saturday, September 2, 2017

Project Menu was Added!

The company I am trying to setup not only sells air purifiers but it assembles/manufactures and designs the products as well. I already determined the materials needed and the quantities required to make 1 unit. So I needed to track the manufacturing activities from purchasing to the building itself.

So upon creation of the project, I can enter the planned number of units to be assembled so that I will know how much I would spend for the project and know immediately whether there is enough cash and the how long would it take. This is useful because in my Chart of Accounts, I have GL codes for Available Merchandise for finish goods and work in progress.

Here is the new screen:

I added 1 field in the Purchase Transaction Screen(Project Number):

The Bill of Materials Screen:

And the project builder screen:

Friday, September 1, 2017

My Accounting Software Project

This blog is about the progress of my Accounting Software project. I am trying to put up a small business and before registering the company to BIR, the accounting software should be ready because I am aiming to use Computerized of Books of Accounts. The software must be presented to BIR for approval.

I ma thinking of a very basic Accounting Software for single proprietor. I will be basing the development using the book "Fundamentals of Basic Accounting" by Leonardo Aliling and planning to get another book.

Initially the splash screen:

The Main Screen:

The Sales Transaction Screen:

I would be selling 3 products only.

Here is the Purchase Transactions screen:

And the expenses screen:

Still on the conceptualization stage, so a lot of changes might occur in the coming days.

Project Build Screen Change and New Items in Purchases Screen

The manufacturing process of the air purifiers I am planning to manufacture and sell has changed from merely laser cutting the parts to have...